The São Paulo debate is moderated by Jochen Volz, 2019 Summit partner and director of the Pinacoteca de São Paulo.

Djamila Ribeiro
is a public intellectual, writer and philosopher, a social justice activist, and one of the most influential leaders in the Afro-Brazilian women’s rights movement. Djamila holds a Master's Degree in Political Philosophy by the Federal University of São Paulo. She is a best-selling writer of the books Quem tem medo do Feminismo Negro? (‘Who is afraid of Black Feminism?’ 2018), Lugar de Fala (‘Place of Speech’) and Pequeno Manual Antirracista (‘Little Anti-racist Manual’). Djamila is the lead publisher of the Collection Feminismos Plurais (‘Plural Feminisms’), and editor of afrodescendant writers' works at affordable prices and with a didactical language approach. She is the founder and head of the "Sueli Carneiro Seal", which aims to publish black women from Latin America and the Caribbean. In 2019, she was awarded a Prince Claus Award for outstanding achievement in the field of culture and development.

Click here to watch Djamila's 2020 Summit Talk.


Photo credit: Alpimages.